6月26日,中国国际公共关系协会(CIPRA)企业公关工作委员会在北京微软亚太研发集团举办了以“ePR”为主题的沙龙活动。活动邀请了来自海天网联、京东商城、口碑互动以及迪思传媒集团的代表进行经验分享。同时,来自欧莱雅、微软、安利、好丽友、格兰富、百事、巴西航空、益海嘉里及雅培贸易等多家企业的委员及代表参加了主题沙龙,并就此话题展开了热烈的讨论。在本次ePR沙龙中,到场嘉宾走进微软亚太研发集团的科技体验中心,置身Surface8、KINECT for XBOX360、“宇宙翻译器”现场同声传译,走进清明上河图沉浸式数字音画展示等项目,零距离感受了未来智能生活。受主任委员、欧莱雅(中国)副总裁兰珍珍的委托,副主任委员、微软亚太研发集团传播及公共事务总监商容主持了此次活动。协会常务副会长兼秘书长赵大力、副秘书长同享出席了活动。
On June 26, CIPRA’s Corporate Public Relations Working Committee held a salon in Beijing on the theme of “ePR” at Microsoft Asia Pacific R & D Group. Activities invited from Haitian Network Alliance, Jingdong Mall, word of mouth interaction and representatives of Dietr Media Group to share experiences. Meanwhile, members and representatives from a number of enterprises including L’Oreal, Microsoft, Amway, Orion, Grundfos, PepsiCo, Embraer, Yihai Kerry and Abbott attended the theme salon and discussed the issue enthusiastically. In this ePR salon, the guests present walked into the science and technology experience center of Microsoft Asia Pacific R & D Group, and were exposed to Surface8, KINECT for XBOX360, “Cosmic Translator” for simultaneous on-site interpretation. And other projects, zero distance feel the future of intelligent life. By the chairman, L’Oreal (China) Vice President Lan Zhenzhen commissioned by the vice chairman, Microsoft Asia Pacific R & D Group Communications and Public Affairs Director Rong hosted the event. Association executive vice president and secretary general Zhao Dali, deputy secretary general enjoyed the event.