上期梗概: 刘锋出来后恢复了工作,马国宁灰溜溜地不敢再惹是生非。胡波虽躲过一劫,但赌场也不敢开了,他费尽周折总算遣散了昔日的打手。这些打手拿到胡波的遣散费后,大部分留在了湖江市,成为湖江治安的一个隐患。刘锋开始全力调查“ 9801“毒品案。这时, A市发生了一起绑架案,案情涉及到湖江市。通过侦查,发现马国宁的弟弟马国安有重大嫌疑,刘锋立即派人到马国宁开的戒毒所将其密捕。
Synopsis: Liu Feng resume work after coming out, Ma Guodun dingy dare not mess with one another. Although Hu Bo escaped unharmed, but the casino did not dare to open, and he tried his best to dismantle the old thugs. Most of these thugs got Hubo’s severance payment and stayed in the city of Hujiang, becoming a hidden danger in the law and order of Hunan. Liu Feng began full investigation “9801” drug case. At this time, a kidnapping case took place in City A, involving the case of Hujiang City. Through the investigation, he found that Ma Gu-ning’s younger brother, Ma Gu-an, had a major suspicion that Liu Feng immediately sent someone to close his mouth to a drug rehabilitation center opened by Ma Guoning.