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  Fire balloon, mountaineering, rock climbing, bungee jumping, gliding,equitation and skiing,so much as dancing, you never enjoyed them at all? Then you are “out”! Winter vacation is coming, so take the chance of it to find some good places for playing.Be happy!
   Winter is the best time to take a fire balloon. There are some good places such asChangping and Huairou in Beijing for it.,so do not miss this novel and exciting sport again this winter.
   蹦 极:北京是我国蹦极发展最早、最快的城市,现在已拥很多座 跳台。其中建于房山十渡风景区麒麟山悬崖的国内首家蹦极跳台十渡蹦极,很值得一试。想玩一次心跳的就去十渡蹦极吧,super刺激的一瞬,你已跃入自然的怀抱。
  Beijing is the fastest and earliest bungee jumping developing city. It has many platforms now.“Shi Du bungee jumping” which is built on Kylin Mountain’s cliff of Fangshan beauty spot is the first one of them. It is really worth going to. Anybody who wants to play a “heartbeat”feeling could gothere. When you are in a super high exciting moment, you are jumpinginto the nature’s arms.
  滑 翔:昌平的滑翔基地是滑翔爱好者的天堂。滑翔时的那种惬意感浸透周身。需要注意的是,在越野飞行前,应该尽可能在出发前和场地负责人或所属队长联络。
  Glide base of Changping is the gliding fans’ heaven. Such agreeable glide feeling would be full of your body when you are gliding. Pay attention thatbefore your field flying, you should connect with the base principalor your headman.
   骑 马:骑马族,以年轻人居多。平时学习,血液总是集中在上半身,而骑马时,你周身的血液却可以畅通无阻。骑马半小时,不亚于打一场热身的球赛。骑马奔驰带来的全身振动,比静态按摩的效果都要好。与你的马儿一同感受奔跑、跳动和震颤的节奏吧!穿上马裤、马靴,跨上骏马,又是怎样的飒爽英姿!
  Most riding horse personsare young. Usually your blood will concentrate in your upper body, but when you are riding a horse your blood would run across your whole body. Riding horse for less half an hour is better than a warm up soccer game. And the shaking of your whole body is better than static massage. Share the run, jump and shake rhythms with your horse! What a valiant , heroic bearing view when you are wearing breeches, riding boots and jumping onto the horse!
  Climbing YuLong jokul is many climbers’ goal. It’s climbing items, rock climbing + ice climbing + snow climbing + macadam slope marching are great challenge to climbers.
  Though “winter climbing”is interesting, it is unsafe to some extent. So we can go to indoor rock climbing. This kind of “rock ballet” is one of themost favorite extreme sports without the limit of age or sex. Don’t be lazy at home, just go out for rock climbing!
  滑 雪: 哈尔滨亚布力滑雪场是亚洲最大的滑雪旅游圣地。冬季一定要去感受一下那里的世界第一滑道和狗拉爬犁、雪地摩托等好玩的雪地活动。
  Top Place of Skee in Yabuli of Harbin is the biggest place for skee. We’d bettertryplayingthe longest ski run, sleddogs, the snow motor and such snow sports.
  跳 舞: 如果这个假期你哪儿都不想去,什么运动都懒得做,那至少要玩跳舞吧!对于那些讨厌专门运动的人们,跳舞当然是他们最好的消遣娱乐和健身的方式了。去舞蹈班就很好,在那里,你可以尽情享受芭蕾、爵士、街舞、恰恰、踢踏、拉丁舞甚至是瑜珈等各种舞蹈所带来的快感。也许还能交上很好的朋友。
  If you do not want to go out to anywhere ordo any sports, just dancing! Dancing is a better way of pastime and body buildingto such person thatdoesn’t like special sports. You can go to dance classes, where you can enjoyany dance, such as ballet, jazz, hip-hop, cha-cha, Latin even the yoga. Maybe you can make some good friends there too.
   不管怎样,这个寒假都不要虚度,要过得比任何一个寒假都精彩哦!动起来, 懒洋洋的青春不会快乐!
   Don’t fool away this winter vacation . You should make it wonderful than anyother winter vacation. Move! You’ll never happy if you lead a lazy bloom.
Dear son,  孩子:  The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me...  哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也不好了,请耐着性子试着了解我……  If I get dirty when eating...if I cannot dress... have pati
Tell Us!   像他们一样,你曾经历了有生最滑稽,最尴尬的时刻?  想告诉给大家吗?Send to us now!  如果你write it in Chinese,你同样能见识一下你尴尬时刻的English版哦!  顶级尴尬时刻  Top Embarrassing Moments    我们学校的一些超酷的女孩们每周都举办一场独一无二的派对,期待了整整一年的我终于被邀请了。派对上,我肚子突然
Once upon a time, in a solar(太阳的, 日光的)system that is, so far away from here that you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, were two planets. Their names were Yee and Lan, and they loved each other very m
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Four Civilized Central Park Zoo animals lion Alex, zebra Marty, giraffe Melman, pregnant hippo Gloria are best friends whom were fostered(养育)by human. But they have different temperaments. And they sp
艾薇儿17岁时发行的首张专辑《展翅高飞》,在全球乐迷心中,建立了一个不随波逐流、特立独行的清新形象,声音及新样貌。而艾薇儿也因摇滚音乐,让自己的生命发光发热。在创下全球近1500万张惊人的专辑销售佳绩,并荣获八项格莱美奖提名后,现在这个加拿大的摇滚女孩,以其全新力作“Under My Skin”再度席卷全球!但是如果你期待这一回的艾薇儿,将会带给世人与上一张相同风格的歌曲,那你就大错特错了!艾薇儿
Ahot pro- gamer in China,a six years veteran(老手)in e-sports’ field, a gamer who comes through many frustration(挫折)and hardships, a guy, only 20 years old.  他是中国电子竞技时下最炙手可热的职业选手,一个闯荡电子竞技圈近六年的老将,他,一个经历几
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第二幅图中的英文及翻译  I heard lots of sounds  They sound like crickets  At midnight one night   They were tweeting at full volume  These noises make us feel energetic  I don’t want to be a dragonfly  Just bend