在陇东合水县民间,一直流传着用面塑枣山祭祀灶君和土地神的习俗,它与农耕紧密相联。 枣山,属于古老的民间面塑艺术品,是一种变形的抓髻娃娃。粗犷中含着神奇,变态中含着憨厚。 枣山,因由花团组成,又称枣花。俗语说:“二十八,蒸枣花。”每到农历腊月二十八,合水民间,无论富家小户,都要塑做一对枣山,即用揉和好的麦面,塑捏成一个圆形头,口、眼、耳、鼻均用黑豆镶嵌。从脖子至腰部的上半身,均为团花组接而成,一般为十至十二个团花组合,每个团花内镶嵌一枚大枣。做十个团花的象征十全十美,做十一个团花的象征丰衣足食,而做十二个团花者,则象征一年十二个月,月月风调雨顺,五谷丰登。胳膊和腿均
In the east of Heishui County folk, has been circulating with plastic Zao Shan Zao Shan Zao worship and land god custom, it is closely linked with farming. Zaoshan, belong to the ancient folk art plastic products, is a kind of deformation grasping doll. Rough with magic, metamorphosis with simple and honest. Zaoshan, composed of flower clusters, also known as jujube flowers. As the saying goes: “Twenty-eight, steamed jujube flowers.” Every Lunar New Year’s Eve twenty-eight, together with the water, regardless of the rich and small households, have to make a pair of jujube, that is, Into a round head, mouth, eyes, ears, nose are black beans mosaic. From the neck to the waist of the upper body, are clusters of flowers connected from the group, usually 10 to 12 group flower combination, each group flower inlaid a jujube. The symbol of ten clusters of flowers is perfect and the symbol of eleven clusters of flowers is enough to serve the needs of those twelve clusters of flowers. The symbolizes twelve months of the year. The months and months are favorable and the bumper grain harvests. Arms and legs are