
来源 :中山大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbingkai
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海南吊罗山热带山地雨林扫把青冈+鸭脚木群落共出现44个科,95个属的乔木树种190种,其中种类数量大于5个的有樟科(24种),茜草科(17种),山毛榉科(17种),山矾科(11种)和山茶科(11种),主要属为新木姜属(6种),蒲桃属(6种),山矾属(12种)和栎属(13种).群落以热带分布型物种占优势,为895%.其中,又以热带亚洲分布成分最多,占358%;其次是泛热带分布,占274%;其它热带分布型占253%,群落中存在一定比例的温带分布型,约95%,中国特有分布属所占比例极低,仅为11%说明其物种的分化程度较低,同时,也说明山地雨林可能是一个广泛分布于东亚的常绿阔叶林的原始代表类型.样地1共有单个体种45种,双个体种20种,分别占物种总数的304%和135%;样地2共有单个体种46种,双个体种26种,分别占物种总数的383%和217%,这些低密度的或小种群的偶见种相对群落的主要种来说,更容易受到各种胁迫的影响而在群落中绝灭,从而使群落的物种多样性降低. There were 44 families and 190 tree species of 95 genera in the tropical mountain forest of Diaoluo Mountain, Hainan Island. Among them, there were 24 species of Lauraceae (24 species) and 17 families of Rubiaceae , Beech (17 species), Acrididae (11 species), and Camellia (11 species). The main genera are Alpinia spp. (6 species), Syzygium genus (6 species) And Quercus (13 species), with the dominant tropical species being 895%, of which the distribution is the most in tropical Asia (358%), followed by the pan-tropical distribution (274%), and the other tropical distributions 253%. There is a certain proportion of temperate distribution in the community, about 95%. The proportion of endemic China is very low, only 11% indicates that the species is less well differentiated. At the same time, it also shows that the mountain rainforest may be a widespread The original representative types of evergreen broad-leaved forest distributed in East Asia, including 45 species of single species and 20 species of two species, which accounted for 304% and 135% of the total species respectively in sample 1. There were 46 species of single species in sample 2 , And 26 species of two species, accounting for 383% and 217% of the total number of species respectively. These low-density or small-population occasional species are more likely to be affected by various stresses Extinction in the community, so that the community’s species diversity decreased.
The title compound(6),a new derivative of coumarin,has been synthesized.The overallyield,using esculetin(1)as starting material,was 3.7%.The stereochemistry of
描写边防军人生活的戏剧作品已 经很多了,但看了总政话剧团演出的话剧《老兵骆驼》(编剧孟冰,导演汪遵喜)我仍然感动不已。然而,这感动不是来自剧中人物的高大形象和丰功伟绩,
In this paper,the construction of M-band semi-orthogonal wavelets and some examples of B-spline wavelets are given. In this paper, the construction of M-band s