目的:探究农村青少年对流行文化的内隐态度。方法:采用Inquisit3.0专业软件设计编写单类内隐联想测验(Single Category Implicit Association Test,简称SC-IAT),对93名12-14岁的乡镇初中生进行测试。结果:在内隐层面上,农村青少年认为流行文化是积极的,并且农村青少年流行文化内隐态度效应的性别差异不显著,无论是电视作品、综艺节目还是偶像等流行文化具体表现形式,农村青少年对其看法均是积极的。结论:农村青少年喜爱流行文化,流行文化对农村青少年的生活产生正面的积极的影响。
Objective: To explore the implicit attitudes of rural youth on popular culture. Methods: A Single Implicit Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT) was designed by Inquisit3.0 software to test 93 junior high school students aged 12-14 years. Results: On the implicit level, rural adolescents think the popular culture is positive, and there is no significant gender difference in the implicit attitude of pop culture among rural adolescents. Whether in the form of pop culture such as TV drama, variety show or idol, rural adolescents Their views are positive. Conclusion: Adolescents in rural areas like popular culture, and popular culture has a positive and positive impact on the lives of rural adolescents.