Awoo赖致宇1970年生于台湾,是华文广告界知名的文案创意人。曾在新加坡和中国台湾、大陆等地从事广告,赢得各大国内外创意及实效奖项,多次担任ADFEST亚洲广告节、龙玺广告奖、4A金印奖、中国广告节、金牌文案奖、OOH户外广告奖、中国汽车广告奖、One Show、Newyork Festival等国内外各大广告奖评审。拥有20年丰富的广告经验,多次被评选为年度最佳广告人、中国最佳创意领袖、最有影响力创意总监。同时是国内外各大广告媒体的常约撰稿人,也是网络著名的广告评论者,其广告相关文章皆收集于其博客“阿武乱来”(blog.sina.com.cn/awoolai)中。
Awoo Lai Zhi Yu was born in Taiwan in 1970 and is a well-known copywriter in the Chinese advertising world. In Singapore and China Taiwan, the mainland and other places engaged in advertising, won major domestic and international creative and practical awards, many ADFEST Asia Advertising Festival, Long Xi Advertising Awards, 4A Gold India Awards, China Advertising Festival, Gold Medal Award, OOH Outdoor Advertising Awards, China Automotive Advertising Awards, One Show, New York Festival and other major domestic and international advertising awards review. Has 20 years of rich advertising experience, many times was named the best advertisers of the year, China’s best creative leader, the most influential creative director. At the same time, he is also a regular contributor to major advertising media both at home and abroad and is also a well-known online advertising commenter whose relevant articles are all collected in his blog “阿 武 乱来” (blog.sina.com.cn/awoolai) in.