距奥运会开幕还有880多天,筹办工作已经开始进入到奥运会赛时运行状态。作为北京奥组委主席的刘淇告诉记者,目前奥运会新建场馆全面开工,相关基础设施建设进展顺利;市场开发成效显著,节俭办奥运的方针得到落实;宣传和文化工作积极热烈, 社会各界对奥运会吉祥物反响良好;竞赛组织工作稳步推进,残奥会筹办工作进展良好。北京的筹办工作得到国际奥委会的充分肯定。
There are still more than 880 days from the opening of the Olympic Games and preparations have started to run into the Olympic Games. As a BOCOG Chairman Liu Qi told reporters that the current Olympic Games venues started in full swing, related infrastructure construction progressing well; market development achieved remarkable results, the auspices of hosting the Olympic Games have been implemented; publicity and cultural work was enthusiastic, and all walks of life to the Olympic Games auspicious The response was good; the work of the competition organization progressed steadily and preparations for the Paralympic Games progressed well. The preparatory work for Beijing has been fully affirmed by the International Olympic Committee.