白塞氏病为一种慢性反复发作的全身性疾病,因土耳其皮肤病学家 Behcet 于1937年首先报告而得名。主要临床表现为:口腔粘膜溃疡;生殖器或外阴部溃疡和眼部虹膜睫状体炎或伴发前房积脓,故又称眼、口、生殖器综合征。由于病变累及广泛,各部位病变出现的时间和程度各不相同,临床表现复杂多样,常易误诊而拖延治疗。我院1964—1980年收治该病14例,并进行了随访,现作临床分析,并结合文献复习加以讨论。
Behcet’s disease is a chronic, recurrent systemic disease named after the first report by Turkish dermatologist Behcet in 1937. The main clinical manifestations are: oral mucosal ulcers; genital or vulvar ulcers and eye iridocyclitis or empyema associated with anterior chamber, it is also known as the eye, mouth, genital syndrome. Due to extensive lesions, the various parts of the lesions appear in different time and extent, complex and diverse clinical manifestations, often misdiagnosed and delayed treatment. Our hospital from 1964 to 1980 admitted to the disease in 14 cases, and were followed up, for the current clinical analysis, combined with the literature review to be discussed.