Almost every electromagnetic band can be used for medical diagnosis or as a physical means of treating diseases. For example, X-rays commonly used for chest or abdominal perspective are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of several tens of angstroms (1 angstrom=10 to (-10) meters). The main means of treating cancer—radiotherapy often uses gamma rays with shorter wavelengths than X-rays. Ultraviolet light, which is often used as a source of disinfection, is an electromagnetic wave having a longer wavelength than X-rays. Infrared is also an electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is longer than the above three types of electromagnetic waves. The application of infrared in medicine was only using infrared light bulbs for physical therapy in the early years. With the development of infrared technology in the last two decades, many new medical applications have appeared in succession. Infrared wavelength range is very wide, extending from 0.75 microns to 1000 microns (1 micron = 10 ~ (-6)