没炸碉堡,没拦惊马,甚至没有轰轰烈烈的事迹,李龙珍就是从她的本职工作做起,从一点一滴 做起,做得波澜壮阔。 没有人统计过李龙珍这些年共创造了多少价值--估计那将是一个十分壮观的数字。本来也不用,李龙珍 所创造的精神价值是无法估量的。她矢志不渝地坚定崇高的理想和信念,视党的事业为生命,以科技兴国为己 任,勤奋工作,埋头苦干,几十年如一日,干一行、爱一行、钻一行、精一行,一丝不苟地做好本职工作,兢 兢业业地创造一流的业绩,用实际行动为我们诠释了新时期共产党员先进性的内涵。 廉洁、无私,这都是李龙珍的优秀品质,但更主要的是,她对专业的精益求精。鞍山钢铁集团公司设计研 究院的业务涉及30多个专业,她几乎没有盲点,这需要多么大的热情和精力!对事业就像母亲对待自己的孩 子一样倾注了全部身心,这是多么了不起的女性!什么是共产党员的先进性?在新时期共产党员的先进性体现 在什么地方?我们相信李龙珍的事迹,会使读者有一个比较具体、直观的认识。
Not fried bunker, did not arrest the horse, not even vigorous deeds, Li Longzhen is from her own work to start from a little drop start, doing magnificent. No one has figured out how much value Li Li-Zhen created over the years - it is estimated that it will be a very spectacular figure. Originally not, Li Longzhen created the spiritual value is incalculable. She unswervingly determined lofty ideals and beliefs, depending on the party’s cause of life, science and technology as the responsibility to rejuvenate the country, hard work, hard work, for decades, such as one line, love one line, drill line, work fine, Meticulously carried out its own work, worked diligently to create first-class achievements, and used practical actions to explain to us the connotation of the advanced nature of party members in the new period. Clean, selfless, this is Li Longzhen excellent quality, but more importantly, her professional excellence. Anshan Iron and Steel Group Company Design and Research Institute’s business involves more than 30 professions, she has almost no blind spots, which need much enthusiasm and energy! It is such a remarkable feat for a career that my mother treats her own child equally. What are the advanced nature of party members? What is the advanced nature of party members in the new era? We believe that Li Longzhen’s deeds will enable readers to have a more specific and intuitive understanding.