50多年前,伴随着朝鲜战场的硝烟,作家魏巍写出了传世名篇《谁是最可爱的人》,以饱蘸激情的笔墨讴歌了在朝鲜战场上爬冰卧雪、出生人死的人民志愿军官兵。时过境迁、情移事易,今天,一场突如其来的SARS疫情肆虐中国,浸淫北京。霎时间,抗击非典、控制疫情蔓延成为各级政府的首要任务。 5月3日晚,笔者拨通了煤炭医院第七病区(重症组)的电话。电话,是他们与外界联系的惟一方式。
More than 50 years ago, with the smoke of the North Korean battlefield, author Wei Wei wrote the famous poem “Who is the cutest man”, sang passionate brushstrokes of snow-covered and snow-drenched people on the Korean battlefield and the deaths of the people Volunteer officers and soldiers. With the passage of time and the change of circumstances, today a sudden outbreak of SARS rages on China and invades Beijing. All of a sudden, the fight against SARS, control the spread of the epidemic has become the primary task of all levels of government. May 3 evening, I dialed the seventh hospital ward (severe group) phone. The phone is the only way they connect with the outside world.