Also known as an artistic comedy or a plot comedy, improvisational comedy is a novel form of theater in Italy of the eighteenth century characterized by Baroque culture. For a long time, it replaced the superb comedy art of Renaissance. This three-act comedy requires actors to be professional and at least a bit of music, dance and acrobatics. There is no complete script for an improvised comedy. The playwright is usually an actor or “stage poet” of the troupe. The author writes only the plot and the main content of each conversation, and the actor improvises on the stage. The success of a comedy often does not depend on the writer’s writing ability, the key lies in the actor’s touching performances. This requires them to experience life in depth, often aware of the audience’s psychological state. Improvised comedy is the use of silent acting skills to enrich the content of the dialogue, so comedy style. At the same time, each character has its own special masks that allow the viewer to see at a glance what each actor plays.