将C18 ZipTip吸头小柱微萃取(Micropipette tip-based micro-extraction)与解吸电晕束电离质谱(Desorption corona beam ionization mass spectrometry,DCBI-MS)联用,用于快速分析复杂生物样品中的小分子药物。吸头小柱微萃取装置简单、操作快速,适合作为与常压直接离子化质谱技术联用的前处理技术,能实现分析物的富集和基质干扰的消除。优化了萃取条件和离子源的参数,最终选择20%(V/V)乙腈溶液作为上样溶液,4!L乙腈作为解吸液。分析全过程包括萃取、自然挥干、电晕束解析电离等步骤,并可以在3 min内完成。此方法用于血浆中的地平类降血压药及尿液中氯胺酮的快速分析,结果满意。这种方法拓展了常压直接离子化质谱技术在体液分析中的应用。
The combination of C18 ZipTip tip-based micro-extraction with Desorption corona beam ionization mass spectrometry (DCBI-MS) was used to rapidly analyze small and complex biological samples Molecular medicine. The tip-column microextraction device is simple and quick to operate. It is suitable as a pre-treatment technology for the combination with atmospheric direct ionization mass spectrometry, enabling the enrichment of analytes and the elimination of matrix interferences. Optimization of extraction conditions and ion source parameters, the final choice of 20% (V / V) acetonitrile solution as a loading solution, 4 L acetonitrile as a desorption solution. Analysis of the whole process, including extraction, natural evaporation, corona beam ionization and other analytical steps, and can be completed within 3 min. This method is used for the rapid analysis of the blood pressure-lowering blood pressure medicine in the plasma and ketamine in urine with satisfactory results. This method expands the application of atmospheric direct ionization mass spectrometry in body fluid analysis.