【《美国医学协会杂志》1989年5月】根据在意大利进行的一项最新研究结果,发现减少动物性食物的进食量可使乳腺癌发生的危险性减少。美国纽约州立大学医学中心Paolo Toniolo等人分析250例乳腺癌妇女有关脂肪总量、饱和脂肪、动物蛋白和其它大分子营养素进食量的资料,并在全体居民中随机分层抽样选出499名妇女作为对照组。经多变量分析测定乳腺癌发生的相对危险性,则发现饱和脂肪消耗量最高五分位数(highest quintile)的妇女为3.0,而动物蛋白消耗量最高五分位数的妇女为2.9。此外,根据资料分析提示,把脂肪进食量减少至占总热量的
[JAMA May 1989] Based on a recent study in Italy, it was found that reducing the intake of animal food reduced the risk of breast cancer. Paolo Toniolo and others at the New York State University Medical Center analyzed data on total fat, saturated fat, animal protein and other macromolecular nutrients in 250 breast cancer women and stratified random sampling of 499 women among all residents As a control group. Multivariate analysis determined the relative risk of developing breast cancer and found that women with the highest quintile of saturated fat consumption were 3.0 and women with the highest quintile of animal protein consumption were 2.9. In addition, according to data analysis tips, reduce fat intake to total calories