【摘 要】
China’s major state-owned enterprises reboot their brand images for the global stage By Deng Yaqing CHINA is witnessing the reversal of a past trend,thanks to
China’s major state-owned enterprises reboot their brand images for the global stage By Deng Yaqing CHINA is witnessing the reversal of a past trend,thanks to more than a decade of fast development.In the early 2000s,many large state-owned enterprises(SOEs)were carved up into smaller companies to increase their competitiveness.Now however,many of them are regrouping to respond
China’s major state-owned enterprises reboot their brand images for the global stage By Deng Yaqing CHINA is witnessing the reversal of a past trend, thanks to more than a decade of fast development. The early 2000s, many large state-owned enterprises (SOEs ) were carved up into smaller companies to increase their competitiveness.Now however, many of them are regrouping to respond
2002年9月16日出版的美国《财富》杂志揭晓一年一度的美国40岁及40岁以下的富豪排行榜,以组装销售PC而闻名全球的戴尔公司的创始人及首席执行官迈克尔·戴尔高居榜首,他的个人资产为164.9亿。这已是他自1999年以来第三次问鼎该项宝座。 小小年纪展露商业奇才 迈克尔·戴尔1965年2月23日出生在美国德克萨斯州的一个典型的中产阶级家庭里。自小天资聪慧,人称“神童”。 上小学三年级
Chinese and African entrepreneurs set up an e-commerce platform in Tanzania WANG Fengzhai never thought that he would become closely connected with Africa throu