Based on the analysis of structural traps in the western geological section of Kuqa Depression, the formation traps are constructed based on the balanced profile and the growth strata. The Dabei 1 well and one artificial well were selected and the PRA BasinMod1-D software was used to simulate the maturity of the source rocks and analyze the main hydrocarbon generation periods of the source rocks. According to the matching relationship between the tectonic traps and the main hydrocarbon generation period of source rocks, it is considered that the palaeotectonic traps in the Xiqiulitag tectonic belt are well matched with the hydrocarbon generation periods of the source rocks in the Baicheng Sag, and the majority of the formed reservoirs are in the Post-preservation is good, reservoirs may be formed by salt traps, reservoirs, reservoirs or reservoirs may form within the salt trap, and traps under thicker salt may form gas reservoirs. Palaeo-structural traps in the Kelassu tectonic belt are well matched with the main hydrocarbon generation periods of the source rocks of the Kelassu structural belt and the main oil-producing periods of the Baicheng sag, and can form good oil and gas reservoirs. However, in the late Quaternary structure Serious damage, reservoirs undergoing structural adjustment, destruction and redistribution to form residual reservoirs and secondary reservoirs. At this time, the reservoirs are in the gas generation period of Jurassic source rocks and a large number of gas reservoirs can be formed under salt.