A Greener Way of Transport

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  One of Thailand’s main policies is to encourage and invest in research that would strengthen the electric vehicle (EV) industry. One of the ongoing tangible projects is the collaboration between the Electronics Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). It started in 2010 and plans to complete its EV Kit & Blueprint Project in modifying its first car this November.
  Research is key to success
  This project aims to design seven of the EV’s main parts for local production by Thai entrepreneurs in the future. The project intends to acquire new knowledge and to brainstorm appropriate designs, in order to replace the internal combustion engine with a 100% battery-based EV. The use of batteries as power generators for EVs is a big challenge for Thai researchers, as they work on developing the related technology.
  Pimpa Limthongkul, Senior Researcher in Electrochemical Materials and Systems at the National Metal and Materials Technology Centre (MTEC), said that the goal of this research is to improve battery technology and enhance Thailand’s competitiveness in the global market. She encourages the government to introduce tax incentives and exemption of import duties for EV parts, as well as import facilitation for necessary products.
  Apichart Prasinarit, President of Real Estate and Partnerships Trade Association, and CEO and co-founder of Angel City Co., Ltd. believed that EVs and smart cities are part of the global trend that is affecting our lives. In this regard, Thailand’s Partnerships Trade Association has initiated activities such as the EV prototype design contest for undergraduate students to promote knowledge and understanding of EVs among the young generation.
  Penetrate different markets
  As EV is new and unfamiliar, new market penetration is necessary for building a strong foothold. In addition, there has to be different business models for approaching different target customers. For example, the strategy of “Strom”, a Thai electric motorcycle launched by OSKA Holding Co., Ltd. in 2017, is to manufacture products based on the number of orders. Customers can make special orders by modifying the six available model designs that cater to specific demands.
  According to Somboon Orm-Norm, Production and Training Manager at OSKA Co., Ltd. the company has been discussing the production of electric motorcycles with many customers, in order to send them a batch of such motorcycles for operational use. Some customers are helping to design and test the motorcycles to ensure that it fits their requirements, such as in producing motorcycles for deliveries. If these electric motorcycles become successful, they would constitute Thailand’s first “green logistics”, as they operate without gas and noise emissions.   The electric Tuk-Tuk, Thailand’s three-wheel motorcycle, is another example of collaboration between Urban Mobility Tech Co., Ltd., and Sikorn Co., Ltd. These two companies explain that their project facilitates customers in calling for Tuk-Tuks around Rattanakosin Island, Bangkok, by using the mobile application “Tuk-Tuk Hop”. This application provides service on-demand with a fee of 299 baht per person per day. Customers can call Tuk-Tuk to pick them up or drop them off anywhere around the island, at any time of the day. They can enjoy a stress-free trip as all drivers are well-screened. There are currently seven electric Tuk-Tuks and 30 traditional Tuk-Tuks in operation, while another 18 electric Tuk-Tuks are waiting to be registered. The companies add that the demand for Tuk-Tuks is currently higher than the supply so they are manufacturing more. In the meantime, the companies also provide services via “MuvMi”, which is an application for sharing transportation.
  In 2020, Urban Mobility Tech Co., Ltd. and the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) will cooperate on software development for their electric Tuk-Tuks, including the software to provide information on travel and tourism for customers. The companies also plan to expand its service to cover popular areas such as Siam Square, Central World, and Pratunam, as per customers’ requests. “I don’t think it’s just an electric Tuk-Tuk and a transport application, but that it’s one way of using innovation to solve transportation problems in our country,” said Supapong Kitiwattanasak, Co-founder and Business Development Executive of Urban Mobility Tech Co., Ltd.
  · Source: Thansettakij Newspaper
2020年初新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,全国各地经济受到了严重的挑战。不过,地处中越边境的崇左在“硬核”的防控措施下,至今無新冠肺炎确诊病例,成为广西唯一“零”疫情的地级市。得益于此,位于广西崇左的中国—泰国崇左产业园(以下简称中泰产业园)在做好防控工作的前提下,率先推动复工复产,为崇左的经济乃至中国—东盟经贸合作增添了一抹亮色。  作为面向东盟的跨国合作产业园区,中泰产业园自建设以来取得了哪些喜人的成
中国—东盟区域内包含着丰富的世界文化遗产资源,中国左江花山岩画文化景观、柬埔寨吴哥窟、老挝琅勃拉邦古城、马来西亚马六甲及乔治城、泰国素可泰古城、缅甸骠国古城群等,均被列为世界文化遗产。  在时代的变迁里,保护、传承、弘扬世界文化遗产的方式也成为中国与东南亚国家共同关注的焦点。近期,新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院建筑系主任何培斌向我们分享了他关于文化遗产保护、传承与旅游开发的相关观点。通过生动的案例,
新冠肺炎疫情带来的影响,各行各业无一幸免,航空业更是首当其冲。据国际航空运输协会2020年4月14日预测显示,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,2020年航空公司客运收入或将暴跌3140亿美元,同比2019年下降55%。  而在以旅游业为重要经济支柱的东南亚,随着各国政府实施旅行限制,其航空业更是遭受沉重打击。减班、停飞、裁员、降本……在疫情当前,东盟各国的航空公司都面临着航空业的“大考”。  被迫按下“暂停键
华人迁居东南亚的历史悠久,不光移民数量多,而且族群也不少,包括闽南、潮州、客家、海南等。伴随着下南洋的热潮,闽、粤、琼一带的饮食文化也被带入异国他乡,在当地被继承创新、发扬光大,形成了颇具特色、异彩纷呈的东南亚美食。  在越南街头,最常见的平民食物是“佛儿”——其实就是“粉”的越南语发音。越南米粉被普遍认为是由广东移民带到越南的。“佛儿”的原料是大米,将米洗净、碾磨成粉之后,用水和成糊,上笼蒸熟后
四年步履坚实,四年砥砺奋进,上承累累硕果,下启壮阔前程。  从2017年在第14届东博会携手,到2018年成为东博会独家钻石战略合作伙伴,2019、2020年连续两年成为首席战略合作伙伴,四年携手,太平洋建设与广西、与东博会结下了深厚情缘。  2020年,站在新的历史坐标,代表太平洋建设的海洋蓝再次闪耀东博会。  2020年11月27~30日,第17届中国—东盟博览会和中国—东盟商务与投资峰会在广
自2017年签订4500亿元投资合作协议以来,太平洋建设与广西壮族自治区政府彼此高度互信互融,合作务实高效,成果丰硕。四年的时光,见证着太平洋建设全面走深、走实广西市场。站在全新的历史起点,双方正携手翻开高质量发展新篇章。  高级别互动畅通合作渠道  如果将第14届中国—东盟博览会期间的4500亿元签约视为坐标原点,太平洋建设随后同广西壮族自治区政府展开的高级别、高频次交流,则在八桂大地绘出了一道
燕窝自古以来就被誉为滋补养颜的佳品,备受人们的喜爱。不过,由于气候和地理位置的原因,中国不盛产燕窝,主要依赖进口。其中,马来西亚便是主要进口来源国之一。  2020年5月9日,首批重约200公斤的马来西亚中检溯源(CCIC Traceability)净燕出口到中国。这是继毛燕(未经消毒加工的燕窝原料)、榴莲之后,又一种马来西亚特产通过中国检验认证集团(以下简称中检集团)马来西亚公司的中检溯源检验,
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