语言,改变物体的位置。 人,从来就是从纹丝不动的姿态变为运动的姿态。被扭曲 了姿态,一种我们所熟知的姿态。 信仰,等待筐里的面包。因为我相信了他的话,因此得有相 应的回报。 因为信仰,我们离开了温暖的地方,朝向陌生地带,我们所 有的所谓有目的行为,都是接受任务般地加以完成。如同儿童 学习科学知识一样,1+1=2,对于孩子有何作用,完全是陌生化 的感受。教导是温和的,但是教导中的内容,却是冷冰冰的,这 就说明,任何教育的内容必须是修饰成为温暖柔和的面貌而出
Language, change the location of the object. People, from the motionless gesture has always been a gesture of movement. Twisted gesture, a gesture we are familiar with. Belief, waiting for bread in the basket. Because I believe his words, so have a corresponding return. Because of our faith, we have left a warm place and headed towards a strange land. All our so-called purposeful acts are accomplished with the mission. Just as children learn scientific knowledge, 1 + 1 = 2, what is the role of children, is completely unfamiliar feelings. Teachings are gentle, but the content of teaching is cold, which shows that the content of any education must be modified to a warm and gentle appearance