给学生一片天地,还课堂一份精彩 ——浅谈学生解决问题策略多样化能力的培养

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《义务教育数学课程标准》非常重视培养学生解决问题策略的多样化。在其“总体目标”中就指出了要让学生“形成解决问题的一些基本策略,体验解决问题策略的多样性,发展实践能力与创新精神”。实际上,培养学生解决问题策略多样化的能力,就是承认学生的个体差异,正视学生在解决问题过程中所表现出的不同水平,让所有的学生都能主动参与学习括动,促使每一个学生都得到充分的发展。 “Compulsory education mathematics curriculum standards” attaches great importance to cultivate students to solve the problem of diversification of strategies. In its “Overall Objectives,” it points out that students should “form some basic strategies for solving problems and experience the diversity of strategies for problem solving, developing their practical ability and innovative spirit.” In fact, cultivating students’ ability to solve diverse strategies is to acknowledge the individual differences of students and address the different levels students show in solving problems so that all students can actively participate in learning and motivating each student Have been fully developed.
英语的普及和英语教学质量的提高已成为时代的迫切需求,但受各种因素影响,在我国相对比较落后,特别是人口比重大的农村地区,英语学习水平与城市相比存在较大差距。在素质教育不断深入和新课程标准实施的过程中,培养学生的学习兴趣在初中英语教学中显得尤为重要,因此,如何运用新课程标准理念,培养农村学生学习英语的兴趣,使其学习获得最大限度的发展,完成新课程标准的任务,是每一位一线教师必须考虑的重要问题。  一、激