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回顾了基片集成波导技术(SIW)最新的发展动态。到目前为止,所报道的各种各样基于基片集成波导技术的无源和有源元器件已经证明,它们能够被有效地集成为低成本基片片载系统(SoS),为封装系统提供了完整的解决方案。讨论了不同的创新型基片集成波导的波束形成技术,展望了未来的发展方向,提出了将基片集成电路扩展到三维空间以及在相同的基片构建模块上将不同的波导结构进行混合集成的思想,描述了用于毫米波和太赫兹应用的基片集成波导技术其它的发展趋势,这包括非线性和有源波导的开发以及基于CMOS技术的波导合成。 Review the latest developments of the substrate integrated waveguide technology (SIW). To date, a variety of passive and active components reported based on substrate integrated waveguide technology have been demonstrated that they can be efficiently integrated into a low-cost substrate on-chip system (SoS) for packaging systems A complete solution. In this paper, the beamforming techniques of different innovative substrate integrated waveguides are discussed. The future development is also discussed. It is proposed to extend the substrate integrated circuit to three-dimensional space and to mix and integrate different waveguide structures on the same substrate building block , Describes other trends in substrate integrated waveguide technology for millimeter and terahertz applications, including the development of nonlinear and active waveguides and waveguide synthesis based on CMOS technology.
摘要:如果说学校的教育教学活动是一出时刻上演的大戏,那么教师就是戏中台前幕后变换着的不同角色,必须通过自己的努力才能上演别样的精彩,而能否赢得众人的喝彩就在于教师自己需要不断地进行角色修炼。  关键词:教师;角色;提升  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)21-014-1  一、课前的教师是编剧  俗话说“没有金刚钻别揽瓷器活。”教师犹如编剧,首先要具备能