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列宁晚年在探索“三个规律”的实践中,确立起以必要代价谋求经济文化发展和人民生活改善的社会发展模式和判断社会发展代价的根本标准;经济文化落后社会主义国家在困境中生存和发展所付出的必然代价,是为换取更大利益有意识做出的牺牲;凡是利大于弊、总体上有利于国家发展利益的必要代价就具有合理性,就要毫不吝啬地付出;执政的共产党人必须坚守“双赢”底线,认真学习新知识新本领,增强应对风险、减轻代价的能力,主要运用法律手段趋利避害,善于应用国际规则谋求人民利益的最大化。探究和借鉴列宁晚年的发展代价观,对于我们在新世纪复杂多变的国际环境中开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面具有重要理论价值和实践意义。 In his later years of exploration, Lenin established the fundamental criterion of the social development model for seeking economic and cultural development and the improvement of people’s lives at the necessary cost and judging the cost of social development. In times of economic and cultural backwardness, the socialist countries are in difficulty The inevitable price paid for survival and development is the conscious sacrifice made in return for greater benefits. Anyone who outweighs the disadvantages and is generally justified in the necessary costs that are conducive to the interests of national development should pay generously. The ruling party Communists must stick to the bottom line of “win-win ”, conscientiously study new abilities of new knowledge, enhance their ability to cope with risks and reduce costs. They should mainly use legal means to benefit and avoid disadvantages and are good at applying international rules to seek the maximization of people’s interests. To explore and learn from the developmental cost perspective of Lenin in his late years is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the ever-changing and complex international environment of the new century.
由于科学主义盛行 ,现在世界上存在着广泛的贬低哲学存在价值的反“形而上学”潮流。在我国表现更甚 ,将“形而上学”看做是与“辩证法”对立的认识路线而采取断然否定的态度
在田径教学过程中 ,不仅要遵循人体生理活动变化的规律和动作技能形成的规律 ,而且还要遵循学生的心理活动规律。根据当前高校田径课的教学现状 ,提出了在田径教学过程中三种
语言是思维的物质外壳 ,一旦所表达的含意得到正确的表述理解、领悟 ,就可以不再依赖于语言外壳 ,这就是中国传统的言意观 :得“意”而忘“言”。本文简略回顾这一传统在历史
党的十六届三中全会提出了振兴东北老工业基地的发展战略。本文从这一战略的提出、面临的历史机遇等角度提出了几点思考。 The Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Cent
以“人本质”解释“美本质”是实践美学及后实践美学的理论基点。一切美的其它范畴由此发轫而来。但 是,实践美学和后实践美学无论如何论争,都难以取得建设性成就。笔者认为
受达尔文进化论影响 ,尼采在生命哲学的基础上形成了文化进化思想。他的“精神三变” ,既是文化的三个形态 ,又是文化进化的三个阶段 ,并在辩证否定中催生出“超人”。在尼采
萨特在经院式的逻辑论证和概念推演之外 ,成功地将存在主义普及为一种与千万人休戚相关的人生哲学。本文通过分析萨特在“存在主义”面对种种责难时的阐释与解说 ,探讨了在无