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【目的】筛选抗二化螟Chilo suppressalis水稻品种资源,明确其抗虫机理,是农业防治的基础。【方法】采用室内人工接虫为害和大田自然受害相结合的方法,鉴定了不同的水稻品种抗性;同时通过目测不同水稻植株外部形态特征、在网罩内供试品种上接入成虫后2 d的产卵量、幼虫孵化后2 d观察稻株内二化螟的存活率,探讨抗虫品种的抗虫机理。【结果】从344个水稻品种资源和当家品种中筛选出“碑田倒”和“银间杂糯”2个抗虫品种,以及“农飞”和“三香糯”等65个中抗品种,进一步对鉴定出的2个抗虫品种和65个中抗品种进行大田验证,发现符合率达88.06%;其中,抗虫品种“碑田倒”和“银间杂糯”稻株叶舌、叶耳紧贴,叶鞘紧包,脉间距较窄,其植株上的产卵量和幼虫存活率显著少于感虫品种“香稻”、“赣南早”、“三粒寸”、“赣优晚”及中抗品种“赛湖早”、“TKM6”。【结论】在籼稻、粳稻和糯稻中均可筛选出抗虫和中抗品种。其中,糯稻中的抗虫品种和中抗品种较多,占糯稻品种的33.3%;粳稻品种次之,中抗品种占20%,籼稻品种较少,为18.83%。其抗虫机理主要是稻株外部形态特征不利于二化螟蚁螟侵入、成虫产卵量少和幼虫生长发育不良、存活率低。 【Objective】 The objective of this study was to screen the rice germplasms of Chilo suppressalis and identify its insect resistance mechanism. 【Method】 The resistance of different rice cultivars was identified by the combination of indoor artificial insects and the natural damage in the field. At the same time, by observing the external morphological characteristics of different rice plants, d, the larvae 2 days after hatching observed the survival rate of rice stem borer to discuss the insect-resistant varieties of insect-resistant mechanism. 【Result】 Two insect-resistant varieties, “Beitianliang” and “Yinjiangyannuo”, were screened from 344 rice cultivars and cultivars, and “Nongfei” and “Sanxiangnuo” “And other 65 resistant varieties, and further identification of the two insect-resistant varieties and 65 resistant varieties of field validation and found that the coincidence rate of 88.06%; of which the insect-resistant varieties” Beitian down “and” Yinzhong glutinous rice “rice leaf ligule, leaf ear close, sheath tight sheath, narrow pulse spacing, the spawning amount of larvae on their plants and the survival rate was significantly less than the susceptible varieties” fragrant rice “,” Gannan early “, ” three grain “, ” ganyu night “and the resistance varieties ” sailing lake early “, ” TKM6 ". 【Conclusion】 Both insect-resistant and medium-resistant cultivars were screened in indica rice, japonica rice and glutinous rice. Among them, the resistant varieties and medium resistant varieties of glutinous rice were more, accounting for 33.3% of the glutinous rice varieties; followed by japonica rice varieties, medium resistant varieties accounted for 20% and indica rice varieties were less, which was 18.83%. Its insect-resistant mechanism is mainly that the external morphological characteristics of rice plants are not conducive to the invasion of the rice stem borers, the adults have less fecundity and larvae growth and development, and the survival rate is low.
<正> 中医方剂学专家陈潮祖教授,生于1929年,四川宜宾人。幼有异禀,聪颖过人,后从表兄孙芳庭先生习医,弱冠之年,即悬壶闾里,1957年赴省城进修深造,结业之后,留成都中医学院任
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