中华文明的兴盛得益于 :得天独厚的地理条件 ;较早确立土地私有、个体劳作的制度 ;集中统一的政治制度与实用理性的意识形态。中华文明近代一度衰落是由于 :地主土地所有制阻碍了工业经济发展 ;重农抑商政策的桎梏 ;封建思想与宗法制度的禁锢作用。中华文明能出现伟大的复兴 ,其原因在于 :中国蕴藏着无比丰富的智力资源 ;中国拥有先进的社会制度 ;马克思主义理论与科教兴国战略的巨大指导、推动作用
The prosperity of Chinese civilization benefits from: unique geographical conditions; the establishment of the system of private ownership of land and individual labor as early as possible; the centralized and unified ideology of political system and practical reason. The decline of Chinese civilization in the modern era was due to the fact that the landownership of landowners impeded the development of industrial economy, the shackling of the policy of focusing on agriculture and suppressing merchants, and the imprisonment of the feudal ideology and the patriarchal clan system. The reason for the great rejuvenation of Chinese civilization lies in the fact that China contains extremely rich intellectual resources, that China has an advanced social system, that Marxism theory and the great guidance and promotion of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education