中国的传统民歌,特别是汉、藏、蒙、朝等民族的传统 民歌以及一部分模仿民歌风格的创作歌曲,在很大程度上是 建立在五声调式基础上的。如《凤阳花鼓》是徵调式,《三大 纪律八项注意》是商调式,还有我们熟悉的美丽其格的《草 原上升起不落的太阳》是羽调式,冼星海的《二月里来》是 宫调式。为此类民歌及歌曲配伴奏的核心问题是五声性调式 的和声配置。 五声性歌曲与大小调式的歌曲由于二者调式结构的不同,
Traditional Chinese folk songs, especially the traditional folk songs of Han, Tibetan, Mongolian and Korean peoples as well as some of the creative songs imitating the style of folk songs, are largely based on the five-tone model. Such as “Fengyang Hubungi” is the style of conscription, “the three disciplines eight attention” is a business-style, and we are familiar with the beautiful and the “prairie rose from the sun” is plume, Xian Xinghai’s “February In ”is the palace style. The core issue for accompaniment of such folk songs and songs is the pentatonic harmony configuration. Five-song and the size of the song because of the different modulation structure,