向温州眼镜人学习! 向温州眼镜人致敬! 之所以提出向温州眼镜人学习致敬,既源于温州眼镜人对本刊2001年第六期推出的《温州眼镜拉响警报》专题策划所表现出的积极态度,又不完全仅止于此。 中国加入WTO后,中国眼镜业该如何应对,一直是我们极为关注的。温州作为我国最大的眼镜生产与出口基地之一,它的发展动向,自然是关注的焦点。本着促其清醒警觉,不断地认识自我、改造自我和提升自我,以求更好地参与全球化竞争
To Wenzhou glasses people! To pay tribute to the Wenzhou glasses! The reason why the proposed to pay tribute to Wenzhou glasses people, both from the Wenzhou glasses people on the issue of the sixth issue of the magazine in 2001 issued by the “Wenzhou glasses sound alarm” special planning show The positive attitude is not entirely limited to this. After China’s accession to the WTO, how should China’s optical industry respond? It has always been our concern. Wenzhou is one of the largest glasses production and export bases in China. Its development trend is naturally the focus of attention. In order to promote their participation in global competition, they should be alert and constantly aware of themselves, reinvent themselves, and elevate themselves.