“国王”与“进攻”总是联系在一起、不可分割,本赛季每场比赛得到的103.7分,排在全联盟第二位可谓战绩出众。多年来的“重攻轻守”已经成为国王选择球员的一个惯例,自从老中锋迪瓦茨走后,国王不但没有为提高球队的防守能力招揽防守型球员,却变本加厉地从魔术引来了得分后卫莫布里,继续提升自己的战斗力。在比赛中,国王全队人人都能得分,处处开花。可是如此犀利的进攻得分却没能让哪支球队为此胆战心惊,因为国王糟烂的防守技术也使他们的失分高达101.6, 列全联盟的倒数第四。而且严重的防守漏洞很快在“防守至上”的季后赛中暴露得一干二净。而且在这样残酷的系列赛中,国王队最重要的两
“King” and “offense” are always associated, indivisible, this season, every game received 103.7 points, ranked second in the league can be described as outstanding record. Over the years, “re-offensive and defensive” has become a practice of the king to choose the player, since the old center Divac left, the king not only did not improve the team’s defensive ability to attract defensive players, but has led to magic from magic Scoring guard Mo Buri, continue to enhance their combat effectiveness. In the game, the king team all can score, everywhere flowering. However, such a sharp offensive score failed to make any team scared for this, because the king’s bad defense technology also made them lose points up to 101.6, the fourth lowest in the league. And the serious defensive hole quickly exposed in the “defensive first” playoffs. And in such a brutal series, Kings are the most important two