文学作品常常借助艺术形象反映社会,揭示生活的本质。在中国现代文学史上具有里程碑之称的鲁迅先生的小说《阿 Q 正传》以其独特的手法,幽默的笔调塑造了畸形社会中畸形人的形象阿 Q,深刻地揭示了社会制度的黑暗和统治阶级摧残人性的罪恶本质。而被称为20世纪西方现代派文学中颇为重要的
Literary works often reflect the society through the use of artistic images and reveal the essence of life. In the history of modern Chinese literature, Mr. Lu Xun’s novel “Ah Q: The True Story” uses his unique technique and humorous tone to shape the image of a freaky person in a deformed society. This profoundly reveals the darkness of the social system. The ruling class destroys the evil nature of human nature. And it is called important in the 20th century Western modernist literature.