目的分析广东省187例H IV阳性者的相关特征,了解广东省艾滋病的流行特征和变化规律,为制定艾滋病防控措施提供依据。方法收集2007—2009年前往广东省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)门诊就诊的187例H IV抗体阳性者的资料进行流行病学和相关特征分析。结果 187例H IV阳性者中男性123例,女性64例,男女性别比为1.9∶1,平均年龄34.1岁,文化程度以初中及以下为主(占74.3%),职业以从事体力劳动为主(占50.2%)。VCT的主要原因:身体不适占36.9%(69/187),配偶/性伴H IV阳性占21.4%(40/187),因体检发现H IV阳性前来进行H IV抗体确认的占12.3%(23/187))。临床诊断为AIDS的83例(占44.4%)。187例H IV抗体阳性者中有115例检测了CD4+/CD8+,CD4+计数最小为1个/μL,最多为1 125个/μL,平均为230.69个/μL,63例无临床症状和体征者的CD4+均值为352.95个/μL,高于52例有临床症状和体征者的CD4+均值82.56个/μL(P<0.05)。传播途径以性途径感染为主(占65.2%),其次为静脉吸毒途径感染(占29.4%)。结论性传播已成为艾滋病流行的主要途径,文化程度低及体力劳动者人群仍是艾滋病宣传教育的主体,提示重视高危人群的宣传教育和行为干预,促使高危人群及时主动进行检测,及时发现感染者,防止二代传播,有助于控制艾滋病流行。
Objective To analyze the related features of 187 cases of H IV positive in Guangdong Province, understand the epidemiological characteristics and changes of AIDS in Guangdong Province, and provide evidence for the development of AIDS prevention and control measures. Methods The data of 187 cases of H IV antibody positive patients who went to the AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center (VCT) in Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention from 2007 to 2009 were collected for epidemiological and related characteristics analysis. Results Of the 187 H IV positives, 123 were males and 64 were females. The male / female ratio was 1.9: 1, with an average age of 34.1 years. The educational level was mainly in junior high school and below (74.3%). The main job was manual labor (50.2%). The main causes of VCT were 36.9% (69/187) of malapposition, 21.4% (40/187) of spouses / partners HIV positive, 12.3% 23/187)). Clinical diagnosis of AIDS in 83 cases (44.4%). In 187 cases of H IV antibody positive, 115 cases detected CD4 + / CD8 +, CD4 + count was minimum 1 / μL, up to 1 125 / μL with an average of 230.69 / μL, 63 patients without clinical symptoms and signs The CD4 + mean was 352.95 / μL, which was higher than the 52 cases with clinical symptoms and signs of CD4 + mean 82.56 cells / μL (P <0.05). The main route of transmission was sexual infection (65.2%), followed by intravenous drug use (29.4%). Conclusions Sexual transmission has become the main way of AIDS epidemic. Low educational level and manual laborers are still the main body of AIDS publicity and education. Prompted attention is paid to education and behavioral interventions of high-risk groups. Prompted and promptly detected by high-risk groups, timely detection of those infected , To prevent the spread of second generation, help control the AIDS epidemic.