针对风沙半干旱区易旱、易风蚀的农业生态系统,探讨了风沙土秋翻耕、秋旋耕和春旋耕(秋留茬)不同耕法保土、保水的效果。结果表明,播种前春整地比传统秋整地水土保持效果好。春旋耕(秋留茬)土壤风蚀量比秋翻耕和秋旋耕2种耕法少1.3~1.6 cm,0~30 cm耕层土壤含水量比秋翻耕和秋旋耕平均高3个百分点。表明风沙土春整地是防止水土流失的一项有效措施。
In view of the drought-prone and wind-eroded agro-ecosystems in the wind-blown semi-arid area, this paper discussed the effects of different tillage methods on soil conservation and water conservation in wind-blown soil autumn tillage, autumn tillage and spring tillage (autumn stubble). The results showed that the pre-planting spring had better soil-holding effect than the traditional autumn-land consolidation. Soil wind erosion amount in spring rotation (autumn stubble) was 1.3-1.6 cm less than that in autumn tillage and autumn tillage, and soil water content in tillage at 0-30 cm was three times higher than autumn tillage and autumn tillage percentage point. It shows that wind-blown soil spring is an effective measure to prevent soil erosion.