Case report 1: a woman, 69 years old. Due to repeated palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness 20 years, both lower extremity edema, can not lie 3 days admitted. 26 years history of hypertension, no history of rheumatism and angina. Physical examination: blood pressure 130/95, sitting breathing, lip purple, jugular vein engorgement, barrel chest, lung wet rales. Heart to the left to expand, heart rate 110 times, arrhythmia, heart sound intensity range, the contralateral pulse, no diastolic murmur (DM). Large liver, lower limb Ⅱ ° deformity. ESR 34mm / hour. Chest radiograph shows left room and left room. ECG shows atrial fibrillation, left ventricular hypertrophy strain. Heart sound icon