西藏硼砂早就闻名中外。多年来有关单位对青藏高原盐湖进行调查研究的结果表明,本区盐类矿物的种类多、分布广、储量丰富,以硼酸盐尤为突出。现已发现十余种硼酸盐矿物,其中水碳硼石、章氏硼镁石和多水氯硼钙石是首次发现的新矿物。在昆仑山两侧还发现一种新类型盐湖——硫酸镁亚型硼酸盐盐湖,正在沉积各种水合硼酸镁盐。 我们在进行青藏高原盐卤硼酸盐研究中发现了含硼浓缩盐卤加水稀释成盐这一过程。这为水合硼酸镁盐的形成提供了新的实验解释。
Tibet borax has long been famous at home and abroad. Over the years the relevant units of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Salt Lake survey results show that the area of salt minerals are many, widely distributed, abundant reserves, especially borates. More than ten kinds of borate minerals have been found. Among them, water-borneolum, chalcopyrite and hydroclone are the first new minerals found. A new type of salt lake, a magnesium sulphate subtype borate salt lake, is also found on both sides of the Kunlun Mountains and various hydrated magnesium borates are being deposited. In our study of salt brine borates in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we found that boron-enriched salt brine is diluted into salt and diluted with salt. This provides a new experimental explanation for the formation of hydrated magnesium borate.