Narrow escape

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  For thousands of years, humans have struggled with the question, “Is there life after death?” According to recent survey, 55% of people totally believe there is an afterlife, 37% are unsure, and 8% do not believe.
  Most days, I fall under that middle class — but lately, as more and more miraculous stories cross my path, I feel forced to question my position...
  Annabel Beam was just 11 years old when her life was forever changed. One second she was playing with her sisters, and the next she was sitting in the lap of someone very special. Her miraculous story is one you certainly don’t hear every day...
  Annabel Beam, now 14 years old, is no stranger to struggle. At age 5, little Annabel was diagnosed with two incurable digestive disorders(無法治愈的消化紊乱). These digestive disorders, which are life-threatening and incredibly painful, required many hospital visits and medications throughout her young life. The pain was so bad. Annabel one day turned to her mom and said, “Mommy, I want to go to heaven and live with Jesus(耶稣).”
  Soon after, Annabel’s sad wish was nearly allowed. While climbing a large cottonwood tree, Annabel was sent dropping down 30 feet, headfirst, when a branch suddenly gave way. She was rushed to the hospital by helicopter. But when doctors examined her, they realized Annabel hadn’t gotten a single harm. What’s more, it seemed her incurable digestive disorders had somehow disappeared. That was when Annabel showed something shocking...
  During her fall, the 11-year-old girl said she went to heaven. There, she saw the golden gates, her grandma Mimi, and one very special figure: Jesus. According to Annabel, she sat upon His lap and asked to stay — but she was told her work on Earth was not done. He sent her back, telling her that when she was saved, her pain would be gone.
  Now Annabel’s miraculous story is sweeping the globe. While some are moved by her vision, others are more doubtful. But that doesn’t trouble the brave little girl: “You don’t have to believe my story is real. I believe it’s real,” said Annabel. “If you don’t, oh well. You’re missing out...”
  struggle with v. 纠结
  survey n. 调查
  diagnose v. 诊断
  life-threatening adj.有生命危险的
  incredibly adv. 难以想象地
  helicopter n. 直升飞机
我又留在学校上晚自习了。  虽然不知道是什么时候出的规定说学生晚自习全凭自愿,你可以回家,可以去麦当劳,总之可以不留在学校,但我还是选择了大部分晚上在校看书做作业。并不是说教室的学习氛围有多么浓厚,只是我觉得在学校终归比在家里自由些——学习劳累之余,看看小说消遣的话,偌大的教室,老师不会专门盯上你一个人,也就可以不必完全提心吊胆。这是回家了就无法再享受的过程,爸妈很反对小说那种虚构的世界,我只能偷
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