Cell-Based Biosensors and Bio-MEMS for Its New Applications

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinhongwei678
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This paper reviews a novel cell-based biosensor and Bio-MEMS which incorporate living cells as sensing elements that convert a change in immediate environment to signals conducive for processing.It is characterized with high sensitivity,excellent selectivity and fast response and have been implemented for a number of applications ranging from pharmaceutical screening to environmental pollutant detection.This paper also introduces our recent work about Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS),Field Effect Transistor (FET),Micro-Electrode Array Sensors (MEAS) and Bio-MEMS for detecting the changes of concentration of extracellular ions and the action potential of living cell under effect of drugs and environmental parameters.Finely, the paper gives some prospects of cell-based biosensors in the future. This paper reviews a novel cell-based biosensor and Bio-MEMS which incorporate living cells as sensing elements that convert a change in immediate environment to signals conducive for processing. It is characterized with high sensitivity, excellent selectivity and fast response and have been implemented for a number of applications ranging from pharmaceutical screening to environmental pollutant detection. This paper also introduces our recent work on Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS), Field Effect Transistor (FET), Micro-Electrode Array Sensors (MEAS) and Bio-MEMS for detecting the changes of concentration of extracellular ions and the action potential of living cell under effect of drugs and environmental parameters. Finely, the paper gives some prospects of cell-based biosensors in the future.
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