The authors report a case of early onset of severe deafness and balance disorders, and the literature was discussed. Female, 41, complains of episodic dizziness. Left deaf, Ming and hoarseness. No abnormalities in the face, nasal and left ear on both sides of the tympanic membrane, nasopharynx, glottis visible necrotic granulation; left ear bones, air conduction disappears, right ear air conduction 30dB, bone conduction 10dB; balance function check, left semicircular canal paralysis; Left mastoid sclerosis, semicircular canal near the shadow of unclear; no lung abnormalities, normal renal function; nasal biopsy, with fibrinous degeneration associated with vasculitis and granulomatous inflammation. Begin oral prednisolone 50mg / day and cyclophosphamide 100mg / day, about half a month after the lesions disappeared, left ear hearing and semi-regulatory paralysis no change: 6 weeks after the reduction of prednisolone, disable cyclophosphamide; 3