与多种疾病相关的湿困脾胃证是中医临床常见实证,能导致水湿在人体内滞留而致病。中医的湿困脾胃实质与人体内水通道蛋白、胃肠动力、胃肠免疫、胃肠黏膜等的水液代谢生理功能相吻合。该文总结并归纳了中医湿困脾胃证与现代医学中机体水液代谢、能量代谢和动力原理等几方面的数据,从多方面证实了中药方剂平胃散临床用于治疗湿困脾胃证的有效性和可靠性。“,”The syndrome of spleen and stomach damp is a common symptom associated with a variety of diseases and can lead to disorders because of water retention in the body.The syndrome of spleen and stom-ach damp is consistent with the function of the dynamics,immune,the mucous membrane in the gastrointesti-nal tract,and water and salt metabolism.The validity and reliability Pingwei Powder to treat the spleen and stomach damp syndrome were confirmed by various data including water metabolism,energy metabolism,and dynamic principles.