城镇化和工业化是人类社会发展的必然趋势,是现代化进程的突出标志,也是推动我国未来经济发展的强劲动力。本文通过采用国际上常用的N U国际标准值法对云南省十多年来城镇化与工业化的发展关系进行测度分析。总体来看,云南的城镇化与工业化发展存在失衡状态,城镇化超前于工业化发展。因此,要正确处理城镇化与工业化之间均衡发展关系,应着重从调整产业结构、发展第三产业、均衡设计城乡制度、协调发展不同层级城市、协调好“四化”关系等方面进行调整。
Urbanization and industrialization are the inevitable trends in the development of human society, a prominent symbol of the process of modernization and a strong impetus to the future economic development of our country. In this paper, we measure and analyze the relationship between urbanization and industrialization in Yunnan province over the past decade by adopting the N U international standard value method commonly used in the world. Overall, there is an imbalance between urbanization and industrialization in Yunnan, and urbanization ahead of industrialization. Therefore, in order to correctly handle the balanced development between urbanization and industrialization, we should focus on such issues as adjusting the industrial structure, developing the tertiary industry, designing a balanced urban-rural system, coordinating the development of cities at different levels, and coordinating the “four modernizations” Adjustment.