有什么职业可以四季徜徉于山水之间,几乎天天与阳光沙滩为伴?“G.O.”就是这样一个人人艳羡的工作!旅者眼里的G.O.多数喜好到阳光普照、热情洋溢的热带沙滩度假的人都应该对地中海俱乐部(Club Med)的G.O.印象深刻,因为无论是在巴厘岛、曼丹岛,还是织拉丁角(Cherating),Club Med度假村的G.O,都随时给予协助,且一样的亲切友善。在旅者罗文燕的眼中,年轻的G.O.们敢于冒险,毫无牵挂,挥霍青春,今朝有酒今朝醉;而且,G.O.们非常健谈和友善,虽然年纪很轻(平均二十多岁),
What kind of job can be four seasons wandering between landscapes, almost every day and Sunshine Beach companion? “GO ” is such an enviable work! Travelers in the eyes of most of the GO like sunny sunshine tropical beach Those on vacation should be impressed with the GO at the Club Med because the GO Club at Club Med, Bali, Mandan, or Cherating, are readily available and the same Kind and friendly. In the eyes of traveler Luo Wenyan, the young G.O. dare to take risks, have no worries, squandered their youth, and are currently drunk. And G.O. are very talkative and friendly. Although they are very young (average 20s)