2003年11月2日上午9时,美军一架载有50名军人的 CH-47D“支奴干”运输直升机在伊拉克首都巴格达国际机场附近准备降落时,被一枚突然腾空而起的“萨姆-7”便携式地空导弹击落,造成16人死亡,21人受伤。这是布什宣布伊拉克战争结束后美军伤亡人数最多的一天。顿时,便携式地空导弹,特别是“萨姆”导弹家族中的便携式成员吸引了国际社会的目光。人们想了解,“萨姆”导弹究竟有几型便携式?作战威力如何?为何会成为美军挥之不去的梦魇?
At 0900 hours on 2 November 2003, a U.S. military helicopter carrying the CH-47D “Chinook” carrying 50 troops was preparing to land near the international airport in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. When a helicopter was suddenly vacated, M-7 “portable surface to air missile down, killing 16 people were killed and 21 were injured. This is the day Bush Bush claims the largest number of U.S. casualties after the Iraq war. Suddenly, the portable surface-to-air missiles, especially the portable members of the ”Sam“ missile family, have attracted the attention of the international community. People want to know exactly how many ”Sam" missiles are portable? How powerful are they? And why they are the lingering nightmares of the U.S. military?