1993/94年度世界大豆、棉籽、花生、葵花子和油菜籽五种主要油籽产量为2.2亿吨,比上一年度减少210万吨,即减少1%。其中油菜籽、葵花子和棉籽都比上年增产,而大豆和花生则比上一年度减产。预测1993/94年度世界五种主要油籽产量如下: 大豆:11270万吨,比上年减少3.8%。美国4990万吨,主要是由于气候条件不好减产16%。巴西2350万吨,增长3.5%。阿根廷1300万吨,增长20%。中国1160万吨,增长12.6%。印度和巴拉圭都增产。 棉籽:3310万吨,比上年增加
In 1993/94, the world’s five major oilseeds produced from soybeans, cottonseeds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and rapeseed were 220 million tons, a decrease of 2.1 million tons, or 1%, from the previous year. Among them, rapeseed, sunflower seeds and cottonseeds all increased production compared with the previous year, while soybeans and peanuts decreased production compared with the previous year. The world’s five major oilseeds output in 1993/94 are forecast as follows: Soybeans: 112.7 million tons, a decrease of 3.8% from the previous year. The 49.9 million tons in the United States was mainly due to poor weather conditions and a 16% reduction in production. Brazil has 23.5 million tons, an increase of 3.5%. Argentina has 13 million tons, an increase of 20%. China’s 11.6 million tons, an increase of 12.6%. Both India and Paraguay have increased production. Cottonseed: 33.1 million tons, an increase over the previous year