近来有两部德国电影获奖并传出丑闻。弗洛里安·亨克尔·冯唐纳斯马克因其《他者的生活》(The Lives of the Others,2006)——对一位死守教条的东德国家安全官员回归人本主义之道的过程进行了紧凑而富有情节的描画——获得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。费斯·埃金的《头对头》(Head-on,2004)——故事说的是汉堡土耳其人和德国人杂居区的两位断肠人之间注定不能圆满的情
Two German films have recently won awards and scandals. Florian Henkel von Donasmark for his “The Lives of the Others” (2006) - A return to humanism for a dogmatist East German security official The process of a compact and full of plot - won the Oscar for the best foreign language film award. Head-on (2004) of Fischer Ejin - The story is about the unconfined sentiment between the two sausages of the Turks and Germans