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传统壁画的空间经营多依古法,以佛祖说法图为中心采用左右对称的形式进行绘制,或是以时间为序用连环画的形式展开画面。而为众多专家、学者赞不绝口的山西繁峙县岩山寺文殊殿西壁壁画却不为古法所囿,采用了“异时同图”的时空处理方式;并且,文殊殿西壁壁画的“异时同图”并非简单地将不同时间、地点发生的故事罗列在一起。为避免画面的单调与板滞,壁画创作者王逵创造性地将庞大宫廷建筑群作为画面的视觉中心,将佛祖、菩萨以时间为序按逆时针方向巧妙地排列,使画面空间形成充满动感的回 Traditional murals operate more according to the ancient law, with the Buddha’s view as the center of the picture, or left to right symmetrical forms, or in chronological order in the form of comic strips. And for many experts, scholars praised the Shanxi Fanshi County Yan Shan Temple Wenshu Western Wall murals but not for the ancient law, using the “different time with the map,” the space-time approach; and, Manjusri west wall The mural’s “different time with the same map” is not simply the story of different time and place are listed together. In order to avoid the monotonous and lag of the picture, the mural creator Wang 逵 creatively put the huge court complex as the visual center of the picture, arranging Buddha and Bodhisattva skillfully counterclockwise in chronological order, making the picture space full of dynamism Back
【摘 要】 随着新课改的不断深入,现代信息技术教学手段正在逐步进入我国的农村学校,充分利用现代信息技术是教学发展的时代要求。信息技术在初中学语文课堂教学的应用,较之传统教学有着鲜明的优势。  【关键词】 信息技术;农村;初中语文;应用  【中图分类号】 G632.1【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2095-3089(2017)15-0-01  《基础教育课程改革纲要》中指出:“大力推进信息技术在教