
来源 :现代职业安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:any_ray
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《安全生产法》规定:“工会依法组织职工参加本单位安全生产工作的民主管理和民主监督,维护职工在安全生产方面的合法权益。”2002年9月,四川省总工会、省委企业工委、省经贸委和省安办等四家单位联合下发了《关于在企业安全生产中充分发挥职工代表大会的意见》。执行《意见》一年来,省总工会对全省职代会保安全情况进行了一次调查。基本情况调查采取书面调查与实地调查相结合的形式。调查显示,四川省共有14.053家企业建立了职工代表大会制度。其中,国有及国有控股企业5.275家(建制率达98%),国有 According to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safe Production, “The trade unions shall organize the workers and staff to participate in the democratic management and democratic supervision of work safety in their own units and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in safe production.” In September 2002, the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions, Commission, Provincial Economic and Trade Commission and the Provincial Security Office and other four units jointly issued “on the production safety in enterprises give full play to the views of workers’ congresses.” In the past year since the implementation of the Opinions, the provincial Federation of Trade Unions conducted a survey on the security situation of the workers’ congress in the province. The investigation of the basic situation takes the form of a combination of written investigation and field investigation. According to the survey, a total of 14.053 enterprises in Sichuan Province have set up a workers’ congress system. Among them, 5.275 were state-owned and state-controlled enterprises (with a system rate of 98%) and were state-owned
本文主要就消防技术标准的制修订工作 ,阐述对标准的重要性、标准的质量特性、相关标准的协调配套等问题的看法和意见。 This article mainly on the revision of fire tech