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“概述”略史载之详,联经脉之络,提挚全志,统揽全局,反映概貌,是编纂者所寓入的思想感情的升华和结晶。如何写出生动活泼富有特色的概述?笔者谈些个人的见解。 认识掌握地情 吃透全志内容 “概述”是站在全局的高度,对地情的高度概述,起全志的纲领作用。它对于全局性、综合性的内容,经过分析研究,概括综合,写出一个地方最本质、最具有特色的事物,可以说概述是地情研究的结果。要写出能深该反映地情的概 A brief history of the “Outline” contains the meridians of the meridians and meridians, the whole book of the meridians, the overall situation and the general picture of the overall situation, which is the sublimation and crystallization of the thoughts and feelings embedded in the compilers. How to write a vivid and lively overview? I talk about some personal opinions. Understanding and understanding of the situation thoroughly through the contents of the magazine “Overview” is the height of standing on the ground, a high degree of overview of the situation, from all the role of the program guide. It is for the overall, comprehensive content, after analysis, generalization, write a place of the most essential and most unique things, it can be said that overview is the result of the study of the situation. To write can reflect the deep feeling of the general
刚刚过去的1999年12月1日,为20世纪最后一个世界艾滋病日,这次的宣传主题是:关注青少年,预防艾滋病——倾听、学习、尊重。  12月1日这天,在北京街头摆出的专家咨询台及宣传牌前,围着许多家长和青少年,他们认真地听专家讲解,看宣传资料。这一切都说明,越来越多的人开始认识到艾滋病离自己并不遥远,并意识到要增加预防艾滋病的知识。  目前,艾滋病的流行已成为全球性的公共卫生及社会问题。截止1998年
从实践视角出发,构建一个以共识行动为核心概念的分析框架。金砖国家在合作实践中,通过不断凝聚共识,采取共识行动,从而为金砖国家的可持续合作提供不竭动力。 From a pract
艺术是心灵的创造物,是艺术家情感激荡和审美体验相结合的成果,而这一过程只有在时代、社会、人和自然的感召下才能真正的完成。版画家陈超对大西北古 Art is the creation
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