谷歌在今年的I/O大会上公布了各种新项目,谷歌负责制造各种酷炫实用产品的研发团队Google ATAP向我们展示了可穿戴设备Project Soli。Project Soli不是你可以想象得到的那种可穿戴设备,它不是智能手表之类的,它就是你本身!Google ATAP认为人的双手是跟设备互动的最佳方式,Project Soli让你的双手和手指变成你唯一需要的用户界面。Project Soli实际上是小到足以嵌入智能手表等可穿戴设备的雷达。
Google announced various new projects at this year’s I / O conference. Google ATAP, a research and development team responsible for manufacturing all kinds of cool and useful products, showed us the Project Soli wearable device. Project Soli is not the kind of wearable device you can imagine, it is not a smartwatch, it’s yours! Google ATAP believes that human hands are the best way to interact with your device. Project Soli keeps your hands and fingers Become the only user interface you need. Project Soli is actually a radar small enough to embed wearable devices such as smartwatches.