Analysis on Characteristics of Seismic Damage of the Nepal M_S8.1 Earthquake in the Tibet Area of Ch

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingpinggangan
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On April 25,2015,a M_S8. 1 earthquake occurred in Nepal. In the Tibet area of China,this earthquake caused heavy casualties and damage to housing,roads,communications,other lifeline engineering, water conservancy and other infrastructure. This paper introduces the basic situation of the earthquake,and based on the investigation and assessment of seismic intensity,the damage of the disaster area is analyzed,and building types and damage to the lifeline systems and various industries are given. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the earthquake disaster,this paper points out the existing problems in seismic fortification,and finally puts forward proposals for the prevention and control of earthquake geological disasters, scientific planning for the restoration and reconstruction,strengthening earthquake prevention and disaster reduction propaganda,improving the awareness of earthquake preparedness in the agricultural and pastoral areas,strengthening the guidance and supervision of housing construction in rural areas to reduce the casualties and losses,and promoting the harmonious development of economy in Tibet. On the April 25,2015, a M_S8. 1 earthquake occurred in Nepal. In the Tibet area of ​​China, this earthquake caused heavy casualties and damage to housing, roads, communications, other lifeline engineering, water conservancy and other infrastructure. This paper introduces the basic situation of the earthquake, and based on the investigation and assessment of seismic intensity, the damage of the disaster area is analyzed, and building types and damage to the lifeline systems and various industries are given. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the earthquake disaster, this paper points out the existing problems in seismic fortification, and finally puts forward proposals for the prevention and control of earthquake geological disasters, scientific planning for the restoration and reconstruction, strengthening earthquake prevention and disaster reduction propaganda, improving the awareness of earthquake preparedness in the agricultural and pastoral areas, strengthening the guidance and supervisio n of housing construction in rural areas to reduce the casualties and losses, and promoting the harmonious development of economy in Tibet.
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