浙江台州地区山地茶园多,茶园发生的冻害,主要由冰冻和霜冻所致。通常有12—1月的茶树越冬期冻害和3、4月的茶树萌芽期冻害。 (1)茶树越冬期冻害。台州地区12—1月气温最低。据近20多年来的气象资料,其绝对最低气温为-5.4℃~-9.9℃,茶园居多的山区、半山区,绝对气温还要低些。在此期间,茶树显然已经受过寒冷的锻炼,进入越冬休养生息,但由于气温连续处于0℃以下,使茶园土壤结冰,土壤中的水份移动和上升受到阻碍,茶丛上部叶片往往因失水过多而枯萎。如再刮起寒冷的西北风,不仅叶片卷缩、脱落,枝杆也会枯萎。
Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, mountainous areas and more tea, the tea plantations occurred in the freeze, mainly caused by the freezing and frost. Usually 12-January tea winter frost damage and 3,4 months of tea germination frost damage. (1) tea trees over winter frost damage. Taizhou area, the lowest temperature in January-January. According to the meteorological data of the past 20 years, the absolute minimum temperature is -5.4 ℃ -9.9 ℃. Most of the tea plantations are in the mountainous and semi-mountainous areas, and the absolute temperature is even lower. During this period, tea trees apparently have been cold exercise, into the winter recuperate, but as the temperature is continuously below 0 ℃, so that the soil tea garden icy, soil moisture movement and rise are hindered, the upper part of tea clumps often due to water loss Too many and withered. Such as blowing the cold northwest wind, not only curling leaves, fall off, the branches will wither.