Comrade Wen Jiabao once said: “Whether a country has any future depends to a large extent on the fact that this country pays too much attention to education.” “Education shows that the nation is prosperous, people’s well-being and the future of the country are visible.” On the importance of education, there are consensus on the leadership from top to bottom and the grassroots. So how can we get people satisfied with the education? Here to talk about their own views. First, we must perfect the system and give play to the ideological quality of leading schools as educational institutions and teachers. The quality of knowledge has a direct impact on the sustainable development of schools. It also affects the schools that can satisfy the needs of the people. Only by improving the quality of teachers, can sustainable development; only a rich and colorful high-quality teachers in order to develop distinctive, high-quality student groups. Therefore, we must build a highly qualified teacher group. Among them, schools should improve the system and play a leading role