初见尹孝玉是在海城市王石镇党委书记办公室。乍一见这闻名遐迩的“市人大代表”王石镇长岭村党支部书记,海城银峰铁塔有限公司总经理时,就象人们所说所讲的那样:是一个实实在在的乡镇企业家。尹孝玉中上等身材,一双智慧的眼睛,在两道剑眉的陪衬下更具有男子汉的气魄;那宽宽的前额,照应着整个脸庞,显得聪颖智慧。尹孝玉曾讲: “我的一切工作都是为了父老乡亲”。这句话尹孝玉是从心灵深处发出来的,是为养育他
First seen Yinxiao Yu Wang Shizhen in the city party secretary office. At first glance this famous “City People’s Congress ” Wang Shizhen Changling Village Party branch secretary, general manager of Haicheng Yinfeng Tower Co., Ltd., as people say: it is a real Township entrepreneurs. Yin Xiaoyu middle-class body, a pair of wisdom of the eyes, in the two Jianmei foil more masculine style; that broad forehead, according to the entire face, it is clever wisdom. Yin Hyo-joo once said: “All my work is for the folks ”. Yin Xiaoyu this sentence is sent from the depths of the soul, is to raise him