
来源 :农业经济问题 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheabc000
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新中国历史上经历过四次分配制度改革,以分配权为中心的改革比较欠缺,而农民又是我国最大的社会群体,在实践和理论层面上以权利为核心的涉农分配制度改革意义重大。农民经济分配权是农民参与社会财富和社会资源等经济利益分配的权利总和,在权利属性上具有私权为本兼顾公权诉求的属性,在部门属性上属于经济法上的经济权利,在价值属性上应强调经济发展的持续性和共享度,是涵盖初次分配、再次分配和第三次分配的权利体系。现有条件下实现农民经济分配权应该充分利用现有制度并系统化进而予以局部制度创新,从多元主体维护、保障性法律制度、促进性法律制度和救济性法律制度四个方面实践农民经济分配权。 In the history of New China, the reform of the distribution system has gone through four times. The reform centering on the distribution rights is relatively scarce, and the peasants are the largest social groups in our country. The reform of the agriculture-related distribution system centered on rights at the practical and theoretical level is of great significance . The right of peasant economic distribution is the sum of peasants’ right to participate in the distribution of economic benefits such as social wealth and social resources. In the attribute of right, peasants have the right of private ownership and the right of public claim. They belong to the economic rights of economic law in departmental attribute, Attribute should emphasize the sustainability and sharing of economic development, covering the initial distribution, redistribution and distribution of the third rights system. Under the existing conditions, the peasants ’right to distribute the economy should be fully utilized and the system should be systematized in order to innovate the local system. The peasants’ economic distribution should be practiced from four aspects: the pluralistic subject maintenance, the legal system for security, the legal system for promotion and the legal system for relief right.
[摘要]呼啸而至的大数据时代正在悄然改变人们的生活、工作、思维方式,高校档案工作在此时代背景下迎来了机遇也迎来了挑战。本文旨在分析大数据和高校档案工作发展的基础上,探讨大数据时代下,高校档案管理工作的新思路。  当人们刚刚适应信息时代的工作生活方式时,“大数据”时代已经以其山呼海啸的速度改变着人们的生产、生活和思维方式。大数据是近年来随着云计算、物联网、社交网络、移动互联网等技术的发展而产生的新的
广州石化上市部分和存续企业在整体协调发展中,深切体会到:协调统一是基础,持续改革是保证,可持续发展是关键。 Part of the listing of Guangzhou Petrochemical and the survi